Providing Local IdP as a login option
Signicat’s Local IdP solution allows service providers such as payment and insurance companies to provide Local IdP in addition to MitID Business as a login option on their website.
This allows public sector customers such as employees of Danish municipalities the flexibility of logging in to websites on behalf of their organization even if they do not have MitID Business credentials. In addition, it provides users the convenience of using the same login to access their organization’s internal systems as well as external websites that support Local IdP.
Without a Local IdP login option, organisations that have implemented Local IdP instead of MitID Business will not be able to login to a website.
Secure and trusted login
Organisations need to adhere to strict NSIS certification standards set by Digitaliseringsstyrelsen to issue business identities
Improved flexibility
Allow public sector customers using Local IdP instead of MitID Business to login
Just one integration
One integration supports all organisations using Local IdP