Shaping insurance landscape with digital solutions
See how insurers across Europe improve customer experience, digitally onboard new customers within minutes, and sign documents electronically with our digital identity solutions.
Accessing insurance accounts for your customers should be as simple as checking their email.
It is not a secret that an easy log in is the key to a smooth customer journey. Authentication and authorization are used by your consumers (B2C) to securely onboard and log on to access their insurance & pension accounts within digital channels, using both, web and mobile app.
Often, it can be a combination of our eID methods to cover multiple countries. Get multi-factor login with electronic IDs, biometric scanning, SMS/email OTP and in-app solutions.
Meet all requirements for compliance, and improve UX while you're at it
Do not allow geographical borders to stop you from insuring people across Europe
We can support your expansion to new markets by staying compliant and ensuring that your customers are who they say they are.
With combination of our methods you can easily verify identity, validate data, and remove potential fraudsters using AML screening.
Securely welcome your new insurance customers and continuously monitor changes to prevent fraud.
We integrate over 35 electronic identities (eIDs) across Europe.
Ditch the paper and lengthy contract signing processes. E-sign, seal, insure.
Say goodbye to paper work and hello to efficiency and compliance!
Whether it's signing insurance papers or contracts with your new partners, our all in one solution to sign and collect signatures will make the process quick, convenient and compliant.
You can easily validate, store, and manage signed documents.
–Signicat has been our trust service provider since 2009 and it was a natural choice for us to choose Signicat’s solution for the Baltics since the reliability and coverage of services are important for us and our customers.
If Insurance scales across European borders
If is the Nordic region's largest non-life insurance company with approximately 3.8 million customers in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
Facing increasing customer and compliance demands, If had to invest in secure channels to authenticate its over 3.8 million customers across the Nordics and Baltics.
With Signicat’s cross-border customer authentication capabilities across Europe, If was able to deliver authentication solutions in the markets of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia.
If has increased their customer engagement and satisfaction, and with millions of digital touchpoints they are able to gain better insights into customer needs.
–Secure login to our online channels and compliant signing flows are highly important for LähiTapiola. Signicat has been our trusted partner for several years, enabling us to run our digital customer journeys in a cost-efficient and reliable way.
Compliance and security comes first. Our trusted services are delivered in line with regulatory and best practice requirements.