The DigiD scheme is managed by Logius, the digital government service of the Netherlands Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK). It maintains government-wide ICT solutions and common standards, that simplify the communication between authorities, citizens and businesses, with a view to cohesion of the e-government networks. Logius supplies products relating to access, data exchange, standardization and information security.
DigiD consists of a username and a password, and optionally an additional verification step via SMS. Another alternative is the DigiD mobile app, also supported by Signicat.
Hence, the following types of organisations are eligible to use DigiD:
The organisation is a public organisation or a private organisation that is legally authorized to handle a public task.
The organisation is allowed – on a legal basis – to use the BSN for this public task.
The task for which DigiD is used is a public one.
Access to the scheme is controlled by means of the PKIoverheid-certificate regime, which is described in more detail in the PKIoverheid section on the Logius website.
There are four levels of authentication strength available in DigiD:
Basic/“Basis” (username & password)
Middle/“Midden” (username, password and an additional SMS with one-time verification code)
Substantial/“Substantieel” (authentication with a method which is issued after checking the holder’s identity document)
High/“Hoog” (authentication with a personal certificate on an identity document)
The user can choose which level to use when logging in, although a service provider might choose to require a certain level if it is deemed necessary. Signicat will configure the minimum level for you when we onboard you to the service.