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Bekämpfung des KI-gesteuerten Identitätsbetrugs

Erfahren Sie, wie Finanzinstitute in ganz Europa den KI-gesteuerten Identitätsbetrug bekämpfen. Erfahren Sie mehr über ihre Erfahrungen, die Auswirkungen von KI auf den Betrug und ihre Bereitschaft, ihn zu bekämpfen.

Greifen Sie auf den umfassenden Bericht - den ersten seiner Art - zu, der in Zusammenarbeit mit David Birch und Consult Hyperion erstellt wurde, um diese Einblicke zu gewinnen. 


Get more insights

Learn more about digital identity fraud fueled by AI, the challenges businesses face, and how to prevent it. Join us for an engaging webinar, "Battle Against AI-driven Identity Fraud," featuring David Birch, Global Ambassador at Consult Hyperion, and Pinar Alpay, Chief Product and Marketing Officer at Signicat.

Fraud attempts have surged by 80% in the past three years, with AI-driven fraud emerging as a significant threat. Its complexity is evolving, leaving financial service providers and fintechs struggling to defend themselves.

Fraudsters are using AI to create sophisticated schemes that are increasingly difficult to detect and prevent. Deepfakes now represent 6.5% of total fraud attempts, marking a staggering 2137% increase over the past three years.

The challenge for the industry is no longer just about AI making fraud more effective; it's now about AI driving fraud on an industrial scale.

This study explores various aspects of fraud and AI-driven identity fraud, including the current state of fraud, awareness of AI's role in fraud, the prevalence and impact of AI-driven identity fraud, the rise of deepfakes, organisational readiness to combat AI-driven fraud, and future prevention strategies.

– The power of AI is undeniable. Within little more than a year it has transformed how we think about the digital economy – accelerating us towards a future with unthinkable levels of automation. AI will bring substantial efficiency gains into all parts of the economy. However, it will also present new threats as bad actors learn how to use the technology for their criminal purposes.

Wichtige Ergebnisse im Überblick

Das Bewusstsein für die zunehmende Bedrohung wächst, aber die Entscheidungsträger im Bereich Betrug sind nach wie vor verwirrt und untätig. 

  • Threat Surge

    Deepfakes dominate eID fraud, targeting banks, fintechs, and large firms 

  • AI Success Rates

    42.5% of detected fraud involves AI, with a 29% success rate 

  • Future Challenges

    Fraud decision-makers foresee AI's role but grapple with its nuances and resource scarcity 

  • Business Preparedness

    Most businesses prioritise AI-driven fraud prevention but lag in implementation