Signicat launches capability to add data to any digital identity wallet
Signicat is playing a significant role in the EU Digital Identity Wallet (EUIDW) pilot projects as a leading provider of digital identity solutions. To anticipate the rise of identity wallets, we recently added a new feature to our platform to allow business and public sector to add their data to identity wallets. This capability is available to use today for businesses and public sector as well as wallet issuers.
Identity wallets (also known as wallet apps) are an initiative designed to give European individuals and businesses a secure, private, and seamless way to verify their identity and manage credentials digitally. The wallet also enables users to request, store, and share information and sign and seal documents electronically. Working in close cooperation with the actors in the EWC and NOBID pilot projects, we are leveraging our expertise to build and improve the wallet ecosystem.
Identity wallets: a new way to distribute data
Traditionally, identity data is retrieved from a variety of methods and sources which differ across country borders. In some countries it’s possible to use re-usable verified electronic identities (eID), some work with remote ID document verification (eIDV), while in others verifying data against governmental or bureau records (Data verification) is used. When onboarding businesses, additional complexity is added by the need to retrieve data from business registers. At Signicat, we solve this challenge by providing access to a wide range of identity sources via one technical platform, which is the most comprehensive on a Pan-European basis. Our current platform model is depicted on the left below.
The success of the Signicat platform, however, underlines the need for further simplification. This is where the identity wallets come in. Identity wallets are a new “distribution mechanism” which allow end users to take control over their data. End users can decide what information to share, disclosing only what is necessary or they consent to. In practice, wallets are mobile apps which can be used to securely identify end users and share data which is stored in the wallet. Data (also called “attestation” or “credential”) can be anything from name, age, driver’s license category, insurance policy number, or proof of income.
From a (relying party) customer’s perspective, wallets are not different than any other identity source, and Signicat will naturally add any wallet to the 240+ identity sources on its platform.
What makes wallets special, however, is the possibility to add the prementioned data to them (like a proof of income, insurance policy number, etc.). Exactly this capability was added to the Signicat platform, as depicted on the right side of the image above.
A quick demo, showing how an end user obtains identity data in their wallet and creating a contact information attestation from that.
Who would add data to wallets and why?
EU member states must roll out wallets by 2026 and regulated businesses must accept them by 2027. Let’s look at the use cases for each of these to add data to wallets via Signicat.
Adding data by public sector sources
EU member states are mandated to roll out wallets and add relevant data to them. Such data can be:
- Basic personal information (“PID”)
- Contact details
- Guardianship
- Residence permits
- Certificate of behavior
- Diplomas and qualifications
- Income information
- Tax residency information
- Real estate and vehicle ownership
- Roles in organisations and businesses
Currently, this data is stored in different systems across different governmental organisations. It will require a huge effort if these organisations need to familiarize themselves with different wallets, protocols and policies to ensure data can be trusted. Unless somebody offers help, governments will only focus on the most essential data, such as identity and driving license, which would diminish the value of the wallets for the accepting businesses.
This is why Signicat offers help to governments and other data sources who want to add their data to wallets. Signicat’s platform can issue data to any wallet and supports any mandated data format. We tested this during the NOBID pilot, where we offered help to the Norwegian government by adding data from their national population and contact register to the NOBID wallet.
In short, outsourcing this process allows governments to save implementation time and reduce costs, while issuing data to any wallet. Signicat will handle the protocols, compliance and commercial hurdles.
Adding data by businesses
In addition to governments, businesses can add their data to wallets as well. They might do this for their own convenience (e.g. adding loyaly membership number or access card which can later be verified) or for the benefit of others (e.g. adding a credit rating or mortgage information which could be requested by others). Also here, Signicat can take the burden from businesses to add their data to the wallets, while allowing them to monetize their data when applicable.
Benefits for wallet issuers
Identity wallet issuers can now add data to their wallets from the 240+ identity & risk sources on Signicat’s platform. Signicat’s issuing capability allows issuers to provide their users with verified and up-to-date credentials, enhancing the wallet's usability and trustworthiness. Choosing the right, authentic sources per market can be an important success factor for wallet issuers – this ensures smooth onboarding of end users, plus covers data needs of merchants while ensuring compliance with local regulatory requirements. Our experts are happy to help you with selecting the right sources for your use cases.
Result – Signicat can now help you get your data into an identity wallet
The results of the pilot showcase pivotal advancements on the Signicat platform. So, let us wrap it up – what has been done?
- A new capability has been developed, allowing the issuance of data directly into digital wallets.
- Signicat complies with the EU's interoperability standards, as proven by integrating different wallets using distinct data formats (ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021 mdoc and SD-JWT VC).
- The goal is clear: Signicat enables public and private organisations to issue their data into wallets across Europe securely. This approach eliminates the need for these organisations to invest in new infrastructure, invest in compliance or audits, while Signicat takes the burdens as a trusted service provider. It also introduces a new revenue model, allowing organisations to earn compensation for their data.
- Use of Signicat’s platform gives wallet issuers instant access to 240+ data sources, allowing them to scale rapidly.
- The product is ready to use today. It is compatible with any wallet – both those that are already compliant with EU standards, and those that are still in development. – This makes Signicat’s wallet solution future-proof, ensuring long-term value beyond the duration of the EU program. Signicat will, of course, continue its participation to ensure the service evolves alongside relevant standards.